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Productivity follows when teams focus their resources, specifically their time and energy. Workplace teams face a looming calamity. In the face of COVID-19 and work-from-home orders, employees have added as much as 40% more time to their workdays. Teams are now meeting virtually more than they ever did at the office, creating an environment of unbroken collaboration, as a result…


In a reimagined remote work environment, how well we prioritize aspects of our lives we enjoy the most will define the new face of work and life. Sentiments around “work-life balance” have always been divided. Some argue that the term itself implies a binary relationship (‘work” having a more negative or chore-like connotation, whereas “life” is positive), but…


“Creativity is intelligence having fun” – Albert Einstein Globally, since the pandemic began, we are working more hours, engaged in more meetings, sending even more emails, and finding the performance-like nature of video calls exhausting.  As many of us adapt to new environments, it can be difficult to find the time or energy for creativity. However, creativity is what’s…


Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to your career? Perhaps unhealthy thought patterns or destructive work habits are interfering with your professional development. Self-sabotage occurs when that critical inner voice holds you back from achieving greatness. By following these do's and don'ts, you will finally be able to stop sabotaging and start succeeding. Don’t…


Arguably, our workplaces have never craved empathy as much as this moment requires. Between the Covid-19 pandemic and rising social justice and economic concerns, the stress inducers seem endless. Facing record unemployment levels, many employees are stressed about the viability of their job while others are struggling with the decision to work full time or care for kids who might need homeschooling.…

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